15 Most Underrated Bands Of The 90s

5. The Tragically Hip

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9-WBZMRFFkU Another group living in the shadow of a more popular band that sounded just a smidgeon too similar, The Tragically Hip were considered by the general public to be "R.E.M. without the hits." Which is a complete oversimplification that disregards a dozen albums full of insanely powerful songwriting. Like their Canadian brethren Sloan, these bluesy alt-rockers were constantly overlooked outside their native land. Hip tasted major success in the States for a hot minute before being shuffled into the corner again, where they continued to hone their roots rock sound and conquer the big hooks and catchy choruses. Hip were harder than most people remember, with a sound that could easily transfer between big arenas and basement shows. They were anti-corporate without shoving it in your face, and they were cooler than half of the active bands in the mid 90s.

Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.