15 Things Only Slipknot Fans Will Understand

12. "Custom Percussion" Is Now A Role In A Metal Band

There can't be many metal bands that feature three drummers, but Slipknot has built a reputation around its pummelling percussive assault. While a large part of this has been due to the presence of (now former) drummer Joey Jordison, the contributions of custom percussionists Shawn "Clown" Crahan and Chris Fehn cannot be ignored. While there are many that criticise the band for having too many members, true Maggots know that these supposedly disposable members are actually critical to the band's sound and live shows. If it wasn't for Clown and Chris, the band would not sound as tribal as it does. And, of course, true masterpieces such as the title track of "Iowa", the intro to "Gently" from the same album, and the devastatingly heavy "(sic)" from "Slipknot" would lose a significant amount of power were it not for their contributions.

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