15 Things Only Slipknot Fans Will Understand

11. Listening To Just The "Singles" Doesn't Make You A Maggot

Sure, songs like "Wait & Bleed", "Psychosocial", "Dead Memories" and "Duality" are great tracks, but Slipknot's biggest fans know that most of the band's best work is found hidden deep inside their albums. Think about the debut's "Eyeless" and "Scissors", tracks like "People=S***" and "The Heretic Anthem" on "Iowa", the beautiful acoustic tracks on "Vol. 3: The Subliminal Verses"... Plenty of people listen to "Dead Memories" etc and declare themselves to be full-on fans of the band. Yet Slipknot spend a lot of time crafting their albums, and there is generally very little "filler" on them. In fact, many of their most experimental and heaviest songs, such as hidden tracks like "Eeyore" and deleted tunes like "Purity", are popular only with the most hardcore of fans. True Maggots enjoy the singles, sure - but they also appreciate the rest of the band's output too!

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