15 Things Only Slipknot Fans Will Understand

9. Accepting That Sid Wilson Is Probably Insane

While the band features genuinely creepy members such as giant Mick Thomson and silent Craig Jones, as well as some seriously intense figures like Corey Taylor and Clown, all Slipknot fans know that there is only one member that is probably truly insane: DJ Sid Wilson. The jungle-obsessed DJ, whose scratching turns tracks like "Eyeless" into mind-meltingly weird pieces of electro-metal, has put himself in some particularly dangerous situations during his time with the band. During the recording of "All Hope Is Gone", he shot himself with a nail-gun. On the band's first world tour, he jumped from unbelievably high balconies (injuring a fan on one occasion and smashing his heels on another). He set the band's table at the 2000 K! Awards on fire, and has been seen on stage doing the same to other band members. In an interview with Metal Hammer magazine he even talked about taking 72 hits of acid at a party and seeing people's heads exploding. DJ Starscream, as he is also known, is unhinged. His actions are the essence of Slipknot, and that's why fans love him.

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