7 Amazing Songs The Biggest Bands Never Play

7. Biffy Clyro - Liberate The Illiterate

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g2dMUENfcgo I could have put a number of tunes from Biffy Clyro's first three records in here, but I stuck with this absolute cracker from their second album, The Vertigo of Bliss. Scotland's answer to the Foo Fighters and Fall of Troy, Biffy's early songs were so utterly different from anything else I've ever heard. A mixture of staccato-like "jabby" guitar riffs and huge anthemic choruses, The Vertigo of Bliss builds on their debut album Blackened Sky, adding a more "indie" sound whilst simultaneously increasing the heaviness on Sky's melodic and pop-like sensibilities. Liberate the Illiterate is a stonking track and deserves to be played live far more often than I've seen it do. From the soft opening clean chords, to the upbeat indie-esque verse and through the heavy riffage into the soaring chorus, Liberate flies at a terrific pace. Changing it's path so often, taking you through one riff to another, in and the among the fantastic verse/chorus structure. But as it so often is with Biffy Clyro songs, it's the build up and the execution of the song's finale that really shines. I cannot stress enough how huge the end of this song sounds, it's just epic. Simon Neil sings the last words, with Ben Johnson chiming in with the title of the track in the background, over an immensely powerful simple chord structure, before the song ends just how it begins; with soft clean chords. I guess the real problem Biffy Clyro have is that 80% of all their songs are stone cold brilliant, so some sacrifices must be made, but I understand why. Biffy only really started becoming big with the single Saturday Superhouse from their fourth album Puzzle, so the majority of their live set comes from Puzzle onwards. Which makes sense, but I'd still like to hear songs like this played in huge venues, where they deserve to be.
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Massive Doctor Who fan, guitarist, chubby fella with a passion for long coats and heavy metal. Journalism graduate, and comedy fascist. Occasionally spotted in dark alleys dressed as The Undertaker. Tweet me.