7 Amazing Songs The Biggest Bands Never Play

4. Red Hot Chili Peppers - Purple Stain

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Elsge3oYYYA Red Hot Chili Peppers are the greatest amalgamation of funk, punk and pop to ever grace our ears. Monopolising that bizarre tiny genre, RHCP have also headlined festivals, filled stadiums, and sold millions of records all over the world. Their post-drug-hell resurrection album Californication held a few fan-favourites, such as Around the World, Scar Tissue, Otherside and Parallel Universe, as well as this awesome album track; Purple Stain. Despite the nonsensical lyrics, the song oozes with awesome funkiness, doing what the Chili Peppers do best; simple guitar licks, sick bass lines, funky drumming and awesome singalong choruses. I've tried to analyse some of the lyrics, and I think it's about making the sexytime on a women whilst she is on her period. Delightful. Aside from these lyrics, it's such a great record to sing along to. Classic Chili's chorus "Black and white/Red and blue/Things that look/good on you/And if I scream/don't let me go/And purple stain-/I know". But it's the finale that well and truly owns this song (I like an epic finale, as you can probably tell). Kicking into the finale, it's just wonderful and I'm not 100% sure why. It's fantastic. This song hasn't been played since 2007. But RHCP are a totally different animal to the one they were in 1999. Four albums, a greatest hits and a change of guitarist, a lot has happened. Hopefully Purple Stain will be put back into a setlist sometime in the future, because it really is a kickass tune.
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Massive Doctor Who fan, guitarist, chubby fella with a passion for long coats and heavy metal. Journalism graduate, and comedy fascist. Occasionally spotted in dark alleys dressed as The Undertaker. Tweet me.