7 Amazing Songs The Biggest Bands Never Play

1. Radiohead - Creep

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XFkzRNyygfk WHAT? Yes. I know. I couldn't believe it either. Their first big hit, and the song that started the legend. Paranoid Android may have captured the imagination, but Creep and Pablo Honey was the first bite at the delicious cherry. Radiohead haven't played this song since 2009's Reading Festival headlining set. It's a crying shame, because despite how un-Radiohead-like this song is, it's a huge singalong anthem, a classic. It just happens to be about unrequited love whilst suffering from depression. A fairly basic structure, it's just a very simple chord progression that takes it from verse to chorus, and the chorus is actually just the verse with the gain turned on. The verse has beautiful lyrics "You're just like an angel/your skin makes me cry" being a choice lyric. The chorus still feels huge, dark and exciting. Rising and commanding a singalong, "I'm a creep/I'm a weirdo/What the hell am I doing here/I don't belong here". The guitar solo/middle eight builds under Thom Yorke's gorgeous voice, sounding like a sort of grungy ballad, before it explodes on the word "Run". It's simply just a great tune, and an epic grunge-pop-shoegazer-singalong classic that deserves to be played live far more often. As per the other bands on this list the reason why this song isn't played live is because the band have simply moved on. They're nowhere near the same band that crafted Creep. The following album, Ok Computer couldn't be more different from Creep, and they've moved further away with every album they've made. But I'd still love to hear this monster on the next Radiohead tour. Okay guys, so! Any other suggestions or whatever, comments below....
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Massive Doctor Who fan, guitarist, chubby fella with a passion for long coats and heavy metal. Journalism graduate, and comedy fascist. Occasionally spotted in dark alleys dressed as The Undertaker. Tweet me.