8 Crazy Conspiracy Theory Songs By Well-Known Artists

5. Prince Sings About Chemtrails On "The Dreamer"

In “The Dreamer” Prince positions himself as prophet able to see the cosmic truth that society conceals from normal people. He rails against something he calls “Peanut butter logic, served on a bed of lies”. What he means by this is: helicopters circling over cities, “spraying chemicals over the city while we sleep”.

In true conspiracy nutjob fashion, Prince finishes the song with the lyric “From now on I’m staying awake”, which is a subtler way of saying “Wake up, sheeple!”

Conspiracy theories also crop up on the longest track Prince ever released, 26-minute jam “The War”, which makes a lot of controversial assertions, including the U.S Government’s involvement in the AIDS epidemic, and that politicians want to install microchips in everyone's necks so that they can usher in the end times.

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Kanye West
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Another wayward English graduate who makes money by arranging words into the correct order. Is really at it good!