8 Crazy Conspiracy Theory Songs By Well-Known Artists

4. Madonna Has Her Own Pet Theory About The Illuminati

Kanye again finds himself at the helm of a conspiracy track, producing this 2015 Madonna anthem. The track is a response to criticism that the likes of Madonna, Jay-Z, Kanye, (even Mozart, apparently) are members of a medieval cabal of behind-the-scenes world-leaders, known as "The Illuminati".

But rather than denying or affirming these theories, Madonna proposes her own counter-conspiracy: according to the singer, the term “Illuminati” actually refers to Renaissance and Enlightenment thinkers that ushered Europe out of the Dark Ages (“illuminating” them, supposedly). Unsurprisingly, she sees herself as heir to this revolutionary lineage.

It’s not clear where she got this idea from, or why she thinks the media is suppressing not-particularly-dangerous information, but the beat is pretty cool.

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Kanye West
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Another wayward English graduate who makes money by arranging words into the correct order. Is really at it good!