8 Legendary Musicians Who Should Really Call It A Day

5. Meat Loaf

Meat Loaf Whether you love him of loathe him, there have been precisely three periods over the last thirty-five years where Meat Loaf was a surprisingly big deal. Of course, by this I mean this three Bat Out Of Hell albums. Yes, they're all mind-blowingly cheesy, but they were all huge successes, and no one can argue that the man doesn't have pipes that would put most church organs to shame. Mr Loaf produced some of the most memorable rock ballads in the genre, and even used his fame to get himself roles in cult films such as Fight Club, which he was also pretty good in. There is simply not a living soul who has heard Bat Out Of Hell who cannot help but get carried away with themselves whilst listening to it at least once. Nor one who has heard I'd Do Anything For Love who can resist blurting out a dramatic "BUT I WON'T DO THAT!" Cheesy, most definitely, but the man has staked his claim amongst some of the most memorable singles over the last few decades. Unfortunately for Meat, he attempted to cash in on his fame for the third time after Bat Out Of Hell III, and it flopped catastrophically. The follow-up Hang Cool Teddy Bear is one of the most confusing albums anyone with ears is ever likely to hear, featuring collaborations with Jon Bon Jovi, Justin Hawkins and Hugh Laurie amongst others. It's just... bizarre. Oh, and it also features the Loaf giving a go at some serious white-guy rap too. The album saw a return to normality, as the successor came and went with no mention by pretty much anyone. Surely, it's time for the curtain to fall on Meat's career, as he's already become something of a poster-boy for the cheese rock fans everywhere.

English MA Graduate, passionate about film, Sunderland A.F.C., tv and music with guitars found somewhere in it.