8 Legendary Musicians Who Should Really Call It A Day

3. Bob Dylan

Another which may well divide opinion massively, because when it comes to legends of music, there are few with a bigger legacy then Bob Dylan. Whilst most on this list are here due to a drastic decline in the quality of their output, Dylan's is more of an amalgamation of several factors. Though his music is still critically praised (despite releasing a Christmas album), you'll be hard pushed to find too many people getting genuinely excited to hear his latest efforts, simply because he's not really done anything particularly innovative for about thirty years now. Instead, Dylan is here more for his repeated selling out down the years. Not only has he infamously put his name to a great deal of tv commercials, but in the last ten years alone he has released TWENTY compilation albums. Now, I'm fully aware that a man who has released over thirty studio albums and who has been active since the early sixties will quite likely have a lot to fill a few compilation albums, but twenty in ten years is pushing the boat out a little for the fans. Not blaming the man for making what must be an exceptionally comfortable living from his past glories, but it is guaranteed that he'll be making far more money and publicity from his compilation releases than he ever would from his newest albums. Dylan might as well retire from producing new music at this rate, as he's too busy drowning us with all his older stuff. Although I will say one thing which is admirable of him, his Never Ending Tour has been going strong since 1988, and has seen him perform over 2000 shows in that time. At least proving he still has a major pull when it comes to live shows.

English MA Graduate, passionate about film, Sunderland A.F.C., tv and music with guitars found somewhere in it.