9 Albums That Are Begging To Be Made Into A Movie

8. Bon Iver €“ For Emma, Forever Ago

Though Bon Iver's debut record For Emma, Forever Ago may not seem like the obvious choice for a film adaptation, not every album on this list is necessarily governed by an action-orientated narrative. The album's tangible sense of emotion is what would make it so interesting to watch its manifestation on-screen. For Emma, Forever Ago was recorded at songwriter Justin Vernon's father's remote hunting cabin in Eau Claire, Wisconsin during a freezing winter. While there, Vernon hunted for food and was largely isolated. Vernon travelled out to the cabin after falling ill with mononucleosis and a liver infection, prompted by a frustration with his life and song-writing. Incorporating the record's context into the narrative of a film, coupled with the album's many tales of loneliness and lost love would make for a very unique movie, something along the lines of Sean Penn's 2007 adaptation of Into The Wild. Combined with Vernon's penchant for pained, acoustic music and the result could truly be emotional.
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Commonly found reading, sitting firmly in a seat at the cinema (bottle of water and a Freddo bar, please) or listening to the Mountain Goats.