9 Bands You Used To Love (But Can No Longer Listen To)

5. DragonForce

Dragon Force

Power metal has been around for decades, but it saw a brief period of relatively mainstream popularity thanks to the band DragonForce, who blazed onto the rock/metal scene and became known for their insane guitar work coupled with surprisingly enjoyable vocals.

Several albums into their career the band released 2006's Inhuman Rampage, which contained the break out single Through The Fire And Flames. The song saw massive popularity, entering various music charts around the world and selling more than one million copies. Not only that, but the song showed up in the then-popular Guitar Hero video game series, further boosting its popularity.

There are a couple reasons why most people stopped listening to DragonForce, but none of them have to do with power metal's brief time in the limelight. Though the genre's mainstream success was limited, it never became shameful to like power metal, it merely returned to its niche corner of the industry. More pertinent was the departure of the band's long-time vocalist ZP Theart. As much as the group's insane guitar work was a huge aspect of their identity, so were Theart's harmonious vocals, and so the band lost much of its distinct appeal. This, coupled with backlash over the group's live shows led many to simply stop listening.

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Commonly found reading, sitting firmly in a seat at the cinema (bottle of water and a Freddo bar, please) or listening to the Mountain Goats.