9 Bands You Used To Love (But Can No Longer Listen To)

4. Guns N' Roses

Guns n Roses 2016 Axl Rose Slash
Ian West/Joel Ryan/PA Archive/WhatCulture

Ah, how great it would be to listen to Guns N' Roses again with the same regularity. Unfortunately for most, listening to Guns N' Roses feels like endorsing or supporting Axl Rose, and these days that just feels unpleasant.

Though the band might be one of the formative hard rock bands of the eighties and nineties (releasing such classic albums as Appetite For Destruction and the Use Your Illusion pair) after the departure of Slash and McKagan it became increasingly more difficult to enjoy them. The frankly insane delay of Chinese Democracy (which took over a decade to release) coupled with Axl Rose's increasing unpleasantness (including arriving incredibly late to gigs and simply walking off stage in the middle of shows) led many fans to find it tough to listen to the group's music not because of its quality, but merely out of principal.

When something becomes personal it becomes much more difficult to get over, and a personal distaste for how Rose treated his fans for years is something that at this point is almost impossible to shake off.

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Commonly found reading, sitting firmly in a seat at the cinema (bottle of water and a Freddo bar, please) or listening to the Mountain Goats.