9 Bands You Used To Love (But Can No Longer Listen To)

3. Weezer

At this point it would practically be impossible to name a rock band that have had a more significant and prolonged identity criss than Weezer. The band rose to success with the release of its self-titled debut album in 1993, also known as The Blue Album. The record was praised for its geeky intimacy, self-deprecating humour and genuinely catchy songs. This was followed up by Pinkerton, again now considered to be a nineties rock classic.

In the years since, however, the band began writing more mainstream music. This in itself is not inherently bad, but the band's €œnerdy€ aesthetic began to seriously clash with some of the stuff that front man River Cuomos began to write about. Tracks like Beverely Hills seemed to chase the kinds of fantasy Weezer previously rejected, and that's not to mention the song Can't Stop Partying which features rapper Lil' Wayne.

The band strayed so far from what they originally were in the quest for mainstream success that many fans can longer stand to listen to them. Unfortunately for Weezer hindsight has not be kind to these attempts, either. Their music video for Pork & Beans, for example €“ which contains a host of cameos from popular internet memes in 2008 €“ was at the time funny and interesting, but now it's just slightly embarrassing.

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Green Day
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Commonly found reading, sitting firmly in a seat at the cinema (bottle of water and a Freddo bar, please) or listening to the Mountain Goats.