9 Bizarre Conspiracy Theories About Popular Musicians

5. Kurt Cobain Is Still Alive

No, this isn't the well-trodden theory that Kurt was actually killed by wife Courtney Love...this is something else entirely. Kurt Cobain, front man of legendary grunge rock band Nirvana, shot and killed himself on April 5th 1994 at age twenty-seven, leaving behind a detailed suicide note. Nevertheless this hasn't stopped many people from speculating that the singer is very much alive.

It's no secret that as Nirvana grew more popular, Cobain became more uncomfortable with the accompanying fame and attention. In a National Geographic documentary Cobain is heard saying:
€œI€™m too stubborn to allow myself to ever compromise our music or turn us into big rock stars. I just don€™t feel like that.€
According to theorists, though, Kurt was so desperate to escape that the limelight that he didn't kill himself...he merely faked his death. What other proof is there? Well, none of the actual photos of Cobain's body actually show his head (though several proven fakes exist). There's also the famous detail used to pin the death on Courtney Love: the fact that Kurt's autopsy revealed he had three times the lethal dose of heroin in his system, far too much to coherently load and handle a gun.
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Commonly found reading, sitting firmly in a seat at the cinema (bottle of water and a Freddo bar, please) or listening to the Mountain Goats.