9 Bizarre Conspiracy Theories About Popular Musicians

3. The FBI And MI5 Plotted To Destroy The Rolling Stones

Though The Rolling Stones (formed in London in 1962) are now considered to be one of the world's greatest ever rock bands, what many people don't know is just how close they came to destruction in 1967, when a party attended by guitarist Keith Richards and singer Mick Jagger was raided by police. Of course, with this being a Rolling Stones party in the 60s, drugs were found €“ cannabis and amphetamines to be exact. Both Richards and Jagger were arrested and jailed for their possession.

According to the band, these drugs were supplied by a dealer known as the Acid King, who Richards later claimed was actually a police informant who went by the name David Sniderman. Sniderman was supposedly scooped up by the FBI and MI5 in an attempt to tarnish the band in a way from which it could never recover. if several of the bands members were incarcerated for a significant amount of time, the group would almost certainly be forced to disband. But why would American and British intelligence want to destroy the Rolling Stones I hear you ask? Apparently its effect on the nation's youth was considered dangerous and destructive (seriously).
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Commonly found reading, sitting firmly in a seat at the cinema (bottle of water and a Freddo bar, please) or listening to the Mountain Goats.