9 Bizarre Conspiracy Theories About Popular Musicians

2. Dark Side Of The Moon Was Meant Accompany The Wizard Of Oz

This conspiracy theory is so prominent that it actually has multiple names. Dark Side Of The Rainbow, Dark Side Of Oz and The Wizard Of Floyd all point towards one central idea: That Pink Floyd recorded their album Dark Side Of The Moon so that it would seamlessly synchronize with the 1939 film adaption of The Wizard Of Oz.

The concept is simple enough. If you start the album from the beginning of the film (though there are several opinions on what actually constitutes the start €“ is it the moment the actual film begins? From the studio logos?) they both line up alarmy well, with the music swelling at dramatic points and mellowing when it should.

This synchroncity isn't just about the music, though. Even the songs themselves appear connected, with the character Scarecrow dancing during the track Brain Damage. Not only that, but the album's cover actually represents the famous transition from black and white in Kanas to Technicolor in Oz.

Despite all of this, the band has repeatedly denied this theory, stating that the whole thing is mere coincidence. But that hasn't stopped the theory from entering popular culture, where it's been referenced everywhere from Family Guy to How I Met Your Mother. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=627aciBA2E8
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Commonly found reading, sitting firmly in a seat at the cinema (bottle of water and a Freddo bar, please) or listening to the Mountain Goats.