9 Fascinating Studio Accidents That Made It Into Famous Songs

7. The Beatles €“- Hey Jude

Compared to some of the more popular musicians nowadays, The Beatles were relatively tame in comparison. Of course, the band's record label were keen to preserve a clean cut, family appropriate image in order to maximise popularity and sales €“ which makes it all the better that the band managed to sneak the words €œf**king hell€ into one of their most famous songs.

What do you mean you don't remember hearing €œf**king hell€ in Hey Jude? Perhaps you just need to listen a little closer€ In the song's final bridge section (around two minutes and fifty-eight seconds in), John Lennon can be heard exclaiming the expletive. Or was it Paul McCartney? The two were at odds over who actually said it, though it's definitely there.

According to Lennon, McCartney messed up a chord on the piano, whereas according to critic Kenneth Wommack and mix engineer Malcolm Toft, Lennon used the phrase in reaction to the volume being too loud in his headphones.

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The Beatles
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