9 Hidden Details In Beatles Tracks You Never Noticed

7. The "Paul Is Dead" Message? - I'm So Tired

Bit of puzzler this one. The Beatles, as well as dabbling with the odd illicit substance, also had a real penchant for back-masking. In fact, a ridiculous amount of their tunes are littered with little snippets of audio here and there that sound perfectly ordinary but that, when flipped and reversed à la Missy Elliott, actually seem to be hiding some pretty interesting secrets.

Thing is though, I’m So Tired is actually a bit of an anomaly in that regard. When the song ends, there’s a whole load of gibberish that sounds like nothing at all… at first.

The official party line is that it was just that - John Lennon messing about at the end of a take and leaving it on the final mix because he’s John Lennon and he can do whatever the hell he likes. But, when the nonsense is played backwards, it does sound suspiciously like Lennon is saying: “Paul is dead, man! Miss him! Miss him! Miss him!”.

Why is that important? Well, because of the highly popular conspiracy theory that Macca was killed in a car accident in 1966 and replace with a lookalike to prevent widespread hysteria amongst the Fab Four’s fanbase. A load of baloney? Very probably. Worth losing a few hours down an increasingly disconcerting Youtube rabbit hole over? Abso-bloody-lutely.

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