9 Most Underrated Nirvana Songs

3. Floyd The Barber

As the penultimate ‘Bleach’ song to appear on this list, ‘Floyd the Barber’ is potentially the most hostile sounding song Nirvana ever released.

Recorded as part of the bands first ever recording session in January 1988, this tune did not feature Dave Grohl on drums. Grohl was yet to join the band or even meet Kurt and Krist at the time of this recording, and the drumming was instead performed by the Melvins’ Dale Crover.

Given the harsh sounding atmosphere and razor sharp attitude of ‘Floyd the Barber’, it must have seemed impossible that Nirvana had a future as an era defining rock band. However, this song represents the desire and angst of the band astonishingly, as the feed from a catalogue of rough, fringe influences.

It’s hard to imagine how Nirvana’s career would have panned out if it wasn’t for that recording session in 1988 which birthed songs such as this one.

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