Alter Bridge: 10 Awesome Facts Hardly ANYONE Knows

8. Alter Bridge Is Actually A Place

alter bridge
Wind-Up Records

Alter Bridge is a band name that almost has a religious overtone to it, which would follow suit with songs like "My Own Prison" the members played during their time with Scott Stapp in Creed. However, the band's name is a bit more literal than it might seem on the surface.

The group got its name from an actual bridge along Alter Road in Detroit, where lead guitarist Mark Tremonti grew up as a child. Similar to Lion King's Elephant Graveyard, young Tremonti's parents forbid him to cross over the bridge, which split the Pride Lands of Detroit from shadowy Grosse Pointe.

His parents feared their son could have potentially gotten into trouble there, as they viewed the neighborhood as dangerous and full of crime.

To the guitarist, Alter Bridge represented a choice to push boundaries and explore the unknown. In the end, what the actual bridge represented made it a fitting title for a group determined to experiment with their melodic rock sound continuously.

Six albums later, and the members still play true to the band's name by dedicating themselves to wherever the music leads them.


Chump the Champ. King of the Ring Rust. Mr. Money Down the Drain.