Alter Bridge: 10 Awesome Facts Hardly ANYONE Knows

3. Myles Kennedy's Solo Album Wasn't Released For Six Years

From time to time, Myles Kennedy performed outside of Alter Bridge. More often than not, he gave his bluesy rendition of classic rock songs or joined the likes of Slash on stage. Since around 2012, there were murmurings that the frontman had a solo album sitting on the shelf, ready to roll out. Yet, for some reason, it remained out of the public's hands.

Around 2014, Kennedy again hinted he would release a solo album and even sampled out some of the piano parts. History repeated itself, and the album didn't see the light of day.

It wasn't until 2018 that Kennedy finally released his first solo album called Year of the Tiger. It focused on the death of the singer's father in 1974, which was the year of the tiger, according to the Chinese calendar.

Rather than come out with a project that sounded too similar to his previous works, the album was more bluesy and soulful. Although it might have taken several years for Kennedy to release his first solo album, he considered the experience therapeutic, and the music itself received praise by large.


Chump the Champ. King of the Ring Rust. Mr. Money Down the Drain.