Alter Bridge: 10 Awesome Facts Hardly ANYONE Knows

2. "Last Of Our Kind" Was Supposed To Be Called Something Else

alter bridge
Napalm Records

Alter Bridge strategically laid out by The Last Hero to create the album's overall sound and help tell a narrative that began with the song "Show Me A Leader."

While working on the album, another song that would go on to be called "Last of Our Kind" was recorded, but it was originally meant to be more of a bonus track or follow-up to a previous song. Somehow, it ended up being placed at the end of the album as a 14th track, which spoiled some of the album's initial design.

In addition to mistakenly placing the song on The Last Hero, it received the wrong title. After listening to the song, many Alter Bridge fans were puzzled by the name, as it didn't seem to fit the tune. The reason for that was because it was supposed to be called "The Symphony of Agony."

The title "Last of Our Kind" didn't come out of thin air, however. Before the track underwent lyrical changes that would change it entirely, the group dubbed the song "Last of Our Kind." Still, one would think someone would run the finished album by the band itself before it hit the shelves.


Chump the Champ. King of the Ring Rust. Mr. Money Down the Drain.