Coldplay: The Best Song On Each Studio Album

8. Amsterdam - A Rush Of Blood To The Head

Much of Coldplay's work is upbeat and hopeful, but some of it explores difficult aspects of life. A Rush of Blood to the Head's closing track, Amsterdam, is a perfect example. The song begins in a depressing state that's full of despair, but transitions to hopefulness at the end.

Amsterdam is over five minutes long, which provides plenty of time for the emotional tone to shift without feeling rushed. In the song's last few moments the lyrics describe a person who has reached the depths of hopelessness before being released by someone who cares for them.

Many Coldplay fans are deeply connected to this track because of its relatable concept. Almost everyone has felt at the end of their rope at some point, and being saved from that by a loved one or a friend is unmeasurably freeing.

The powerful lyrics aren't the only great thing about the song. The piano is beautifully sad and is joined by strong percussion, guitar, and organ near the end of the track. All the sounds work together to usher in a unique feeling of spilling one's heart out. It's extraordinarily emotional and overwhelming, making it a track that is not easily forgotten.

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