Doctor Who: 'An Unearthly Sound' - 11 Best Music Compositions

1. The Second Doctor's Recorder

Docto There can be only one candidate for ' cream of the crop' status here, and if you hadnt guessed what it was, you're in for a treat. The composer honoured here might have looked like the lost Beatle (though what John, Paul, George & Ringo might have to say on the matter sadly goes unrecorded), but his instrument is indelibly linked to his appeal. Yes, it's the Second Doctor, and his recorder. Witness his attempts to play ' Twinkle Twinkle, Little Star' and attempt to coax an answer out of his future self's companion Jo Grant as to exactly how ' I Am The Walrus' goes in ' The Three Doctors'. Incidentally, let's have some love for the ' I am he and he is me' gag. ' And we are all together, goo goo goo joob?' Wonderfully, Patrick Troughton was an accomplished player in real life, and brought the trait of playing it to help him think into his characterisation of the Doctor. Watch the featurette on the subject which forms part of the bonus content on the DVD release of ' The Krotons' and it might click as to just how recorders became such a popular instrument in school orchestras. At least, it should. Well, that's your lot as far as the music of the universe goes, unless of course you schedule repeat viewings of 'Doctor Who At The Proms', Feel free, though, to get in touch, whether you feel this is a veritable symphony or nothing more than a selection of bum notes. As the Tenth Doctor said in 'Music Of The Spheres', though, it encompasses all of us!
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Journalist, musician, sports fan, citizen of the universe and a gentleman to boot!