Download Festival 2013: 13 Things You Should Be Listening To Right Now!

2. Kvelertak

black metal/rock 'n' roll/punkdownload festival We€™re back in Norway again for these visitors, and you may well know this six piece as they€™ve been causing quite a stir. Steadily building quite a reputation on the back of a brilliant debut, followed up by their astounding sophomore effort this year, the band have even gathered some famous fans €“ Dave Grohl being one such example. They€™ve even bagged a pretty sweet spot beneath The Hives on the Pepsi Max Stage, but they can get bigger; if Rammsteinn are big enough to headline with exclusively German lyrics, what€™s to stop Kvelertak€™s exclusively Norwegian lyrics headlining in the future. The sound though? Well, that€™s the key ingredient here. Combing rock n roll strut, punk rock swagger and black metal intensity, Kvelertak have, probably-pretty-accurately, created the sound of Lucifer€™s in-house band in Hell. Sure, black metal€™s evil but you just know the devil likes to party and Kvelertak€™s blend of black €˜n€™ roll, or whatever, is just the sound needed for a get together south of Heaven.

Life's last protagonist. Wannabe writer. Mediocre Musician. Over-Thinker. Medicine Cabinet. @morganrabbits