Eminem's 10 Most Intense Celebrity Feuds

2. Kim Mathers

Standout Lyrical Attack: 'You really did a number on me/ I never knew me cheating on you would come back to haunt me/ but we were kids then Kim, I was only 18/ That was years ago, I thought we wiped the slate clean.' €“ taken from the track 'Kim'. It's not much of a big deal if Eminem murders you on a record; he killed his own producer Dr. Dre twice on the Marshall Mathers LP; that said, it might be more crushing if your own daughter is the accomplice in the disposal of your already-deceased body. On Eminem's first two commercial albums he dedicates full records to murdering his daughter's mother, the track 97' Bonnie and Clyde - taken from The Slim Shady LP - includes the recorded voice of his then two-year old daughter. I've heard of parents that want their kids to make a choice or clear preference, but talk about extreme steps. This clash got really dark when Kim attended an Eminem concert in their hometown of Detroit in 2000. According to Kim, the rapper promised he wouldn't perform his track 'Kim', in which he murders her. The rapper not only played the song, but also physically abused a doll on stage that was supposed to represent Kim. She then went home and attempted suicide by slashing her wrists, but was not successful. Since the release of that song the pair have been divorced, re-married, re-divorced and now we don't seem to hear too much about Kim on tracks anymore, which is probably for the best in regards to his daughter.

A wrestling enthusiast, currently educating the youth of Taiwan English; there are now a bunch of Asian kids running around with Yorkshire accents. Read about that trip and others at dragonstravel.com.