Guns N' Roses Coachella: 5 Ways It Could Be Amazing (And 5 It Could Suck)

2. It€™s All About The Money When the Sex Pistols reformed in 1996, they were refreshingly honest about their reasons for doing it. At the press conference announcing their reunion tour, singer Johnny Rotten said €œwe still hate each other with a vengeance, but we've found a common cause, and that's your money [...] these are the people that wrote the songs, and now we'd like to be paid for it.€ Fittingly, they named the 78-date, six month jaunt The Filthy Lucre Tour. However, the Sex Pistols€™ frank words are not something common to most other bands, and you can guarantee that over the next few months we€™ll see the reunited Guns N€™ Roses echoing the same clichéd plaudits we see time and time again. There will talk of €œburying the hatchet€, of €œslates wiped clean€ and of €œremembering the good times we had together€. But deep down we all know the reason for this reunion, and that is cold hard cash. Guns N' Roses are rumoured to be pocketing anywhere between $3 and $8 million per show, and it would be much better if they just came out and said €œYeah, we didn€™t really want to be in the same room together ever again, but we€™re getting a bumper pay day off this and we€™d be stupid to say 'no'€. We all know they won€™t though.

A man who writes things.