Katy Perry: Ranking Her Albums Best To Worst

4. Katy Hudson

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Katy released her debut studio album under her birth name, Katy Hudson in 2001. At the time of release Katy had been signed to a Christian music label and as a strong religious believer herself the album is heavily influenced by this. Although the album has since been frequently compared to the work of Alanis Morissette, on initial release of the album it only sold 100 copies and it was not until Katy's more recent success in the music industry that people became aware of this first studio album. In spite of its initial failure it has since been said that the album displays Katy's raw talent which is seldom seen in her newer work and that the album was merely marketed at the wrong audience considering that it was released as Christian music and therefore seen as unfavourable by the mainstream music industry. Although the album is good and the music is creative, it lacks the sparkle of Katy's newer albums and her quirky persona which has been adopted since the release of this album.

Currently studying German with Dutch, big passion for music, movies and coffee.