Metallica: 10 Awesome Songs NO ONE Talks About

2. The Ecstasy of Gold

Most devoted Metallica fans don't really need to be introduced to the Ecstasy of Gold. Being one of the stand out moments from film composer Ennio Morricone, this excerpt from the Good the Bad and the Ugly has been a staple of Metallica's set for years as the main entrance music before they take to the stage. It's one thing to have entrance's another thing entirely to cover it though.

Done on the tribute record We All Love Ennio Morricone, Metallica's instrumental take on this song is one of the most epic feats that had pulled off in decades.

Gone are the searing strings of the original, instead replaced with James Hetfield's ripping guitar tone, which works like a charm bringing across this broad musical landscape. Whereas the first version felt like overlooking a calm desert landscape, this feels like the same look, only staring out across the entire Earth.

Though Metallica hadn't really ventured into the classical realm since their days on S&M, the fact that this went over so well probably served as inspiration for making S&M2 just a few years ago.

As opposed to thousands of other bands adding classical instruments to suit their needs, Metallica returning the favor by bringing their spark to a classical track may be one of the most epic musical moments of the millennium thus far. You better believe Ennio himself would be proud.

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