OK Go: Every Concept Video Ranked From Worst To Best

7. All Is Not Lost


Designed as a Google Chrome Experiment, the video for "All Is Not Lost" is the true beginning of OK Go as a marketing tool for something besides their own b(r)and. They'd been more or less self-promoting their music since "A Million Ways," and had become inarguably the greatest band in the history of pop-rock at finding creative ways to get their music heard.

There is the standard video (featured above), which contains a whole lot of bare feet and tight spandex that work together to create a real-life kaleidoscope. If you thought the video for "WTF?" was a mind warp, then be prepared to have an acid trip-level freakout watching this one. (At one point it legitimately looks like a human centipede showed up onscreen.)

At the end of the video they start spelling out different words using their collective feet. This is where things get more interactive. If you head to the website provided at the end of the vid, you can make the guys in OK Go spell out anything you want.  

Literally anything. 

They spent days filming themselves making each letter of the alphabet, as well as the numbers zero through nine, basic punctuation marks, and even Japanese symbols. So if you're looking for a creative way to show the world how much you love carrot cake, for example...

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Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.