OK Go: Every Concept Video Ranked From Worst To Best

6. Here It Goes Again


The one that started it all...

"Here It Goes Again" remains OK Go's most popular music video to date, despite the fact that they've been dropping more elaborate and ingenious videos left and right in the intervening decade. (Which you'll see later.) But you never forget your first time.

Rather than bore you with a description of a video you've no doubt seen at least a dozen times by now, here's a bit of trivia about the filming:

At the 1:00 minute mark, lead singer Damian Kulash (who is not the bald guy mouthing the words, that's the bassist) slips a little and almost ruins the entire take, but is able to nimbly recover and proceed as if nothing happened. The step he miscalculates is the so-named "Jamiroquai move," and is the part of the routine he felt most confident in. Also, the blunder happens at the exact same time as the lyrics "It's start out easy, something simple..." 

So it's kind of like the lead singer is mocking his own error.

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Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.