OK Go: Every Concept Video Ranked From Worst To Best

4. End Love


Filmed in Los Angeles' Echo Park, "End Love" is a testament to exactly how far a band can go before you're allowed to consider them legally insane. 

It was shot over the course of 18 hours, with zero cuts, using time-lapse photography. This means the band had to perform each maneuver and also mouth the lyrics very, very slowly in order for it to show up correctly on film. The result is mesmerizing, particularly a sequence that makes them appear to be moving without walking. 

But...18 HOURS? IN A ROW? Shouldn't we, as a society, be worried about their mental health by this point?

The shoot went so long that band members had to devise a way to sleep on camera, so they simple took turns napping for a couple hours in sleeping bags (on film) for the overnight part of the shoot.

During the shoot, a rogue goose kept following them around. Her name is Maria and is something of a staple at Echo Park. They ended up just letting her do her thing alongside them, so she's now featured prominently in an OK Go video.

Here's a blooper video that shows her getting involved in the process.

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Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.