10 Outrageous Claims By UFO Whistleblowers

1. President Obama Recruited And Sent To Mars In 1980s

Obama Mars Ufo

The Mars claims keep getting revisited in this article because they keep getting more and more outrageous as they're explored. It's a rabbit hole of whistleblower claims that is hard to come back from.

Not only has an anonymous Captain spoken out about human settlements on Mars and President Eisenhower's great-granddaughter admitted to refusing enrollment in such programs, but Andrew Basiago and William Stillings truly take the top prize of outrageousness.

The two state that they were recruited into the Mars program in 1980 alongside Occidental College student Barry Soetoro, who would later be better known under the name Barack Obama.

According to Basiago and Stillings, Obama not only trained with the class of Mars hopefuls but also teleported with them to the red planet via something called a "jump room."

The planetary travelers would barely recognize the future President when the crossed paths with him several years later. But that's totally understandable considering memory-blocking measures were taken at the completion of their training.


I'm a dad who loves professional wrestling. Find me on Twitter @MitchNickelson or email me at leonardbeats@gmail.com.