10 WWE Stars We Need To See On The Joe Rogan Experience

6. The Rock

Reigns Rogan

If the last few years have taught us anything, it’s that people want to see more of Dwayne Johnson at pretty much all times. Hard work, and a willingness to learn has fired an acting career into the stratosphere in recent times, which frankly, had been regarded as a bit of a joke for a very long time.

The world’s most charismatic man would surely make for an ideal podcast guest, with both him and Rogan being exceptional conversationalists. Both are generally laid-back personalities who have at times moved in similar circles, which should make for really cool, free-flowing talk on a range of subjects.

From being the most important figure in wrestling, to becoming the world’s highest paid actor, and bodybuilding legend, The Rock has excelled in everything he has truly put his mind to, even if there have been a few teething problems along the way (see: Rocky Maivia, The Scorpion King).

This too would make him a great interviewee for JRE, with Rogan keen to speak to people at the very top of their field.


Writer on international relations, political philosophy, and drunken cowboys in video games. Contributor at WhatCulture.