16 Wonderful Things That Feminism Has Completely Ruined

4. You'll Have To Spend Money Like A Man

Blair Waldorf Shopping Gif Gif

You'll now have to do things that make you uncomfortable because you're a woman: you'll have to hire and fire people, motivate the team and reach targets; all which are very manly things indeed because women are too emotional and involved. Start expecting a man's salary for the exact same job that they're doing and if you're not then you need to take it up with your employer because you have pretty things that you need to buy. You're able to go for the job that you want and that in itself is a glorious achievement for womankind in the past 100 years. You can create and run your own company if you so desire and if you don't get a job over a man, don't put it down to sexist beliefs. It is possible that a man may have been better qualified for a certain job and you are better suited for someone else.
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Lover of Tolkien's world, Harry Potter and baked goods. A camel once put his head on my shoulder and it was the best day ever. sara@whatculture.com