11. Any Form Of Public Affection
There are rules set by children to their parents whenever they are forced to appear publicly with them and at the very top of that list, in big bold letters, underlined and followed by many exclamation marks is NO PUBLIC DISPLAYS OF AFFECTION!!!! Are these rules followed? Of course not. Your Mum will always find the time to try and hold your hand in public, hug you or kiss your cheek when youre walking down a busy street, regardless of age. And when youre going on a trip for a day, weekend or even a week, all you want is a calm nod of acknowledgement, or at the very most a small wave to bid you goodbye and send you on your way. Instead theyll throw away the book on personal boundaries and shower you with an unnecessary amount of love and its too much to deal with, especially when your friends are close by laughing their butts off. The worst of the lot? Schoolyard kisses.