Harry Potter: 12 Wands That Perfectly Reflect Their Owners

2. The Death Eater Collection

Bellatrix Lestrange Wand
Noble/Warner Bros.

If compiling this list of 'twelve' has included some two-for-ones, here's the lots-for-one: the Death Eater collection. These wands, however, all contain similar nods to their owners. Each is unique, but they are all a fantastic exploration of how to take a magic wand and twist it into something dark and forbidding.

One carries Voldemort's Dark Mark as the handle, complete with swirling and twisting tendrils of wood, going into the mouth of the skull and wrapping around the rest of the handle. Another forms a human skull and spinal column, while a third example is literally covered in rough thorns.

One more reflects the Dark Mark in another way, forming a serpent's body overall but with another skeletal carving, again with a snake-like shape working its way into the skull's mouth. Some of them are ornate, suggesting that they might be owned by a close friend of Mr Malfoy or someone holding an important position in the Pureblood movement, while several others are rough and natural-looking, implying that they might be the possession of a thug or friend of Fenrir Greyback.

It's safe to assume that these wands were provided later in the life of the user; hopefully not sold to a bright-eyed eleven-year-old in Diagon Alley.

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Reader, cinema lover, gamer, TV watcher. Teacher too. Years of caring too much (is that possible?) about Star Wars, Harry Potter, Star Trek, WWE, Stephen King books, Game of Thrones and gaming will influence my writing.