10 Deflating Things That Always Seem To Happen To Spurs

9. False Dawns

On a related note to the last point, every single time a new era under a new manager begins at White Hart Lane, it is hailed as a new dawn in which the club is undoubtedly going to finally find success - but that never, ever actually happens. Jacques Santini, Martin Jol, Juande Ramos, Harry Redknapp, Andre Villas Boas and now Mauricio Pochettino have all had that pressure on their shoulders and all of have failed to deliver (with the occasional anomaly, such as Redknapp qualifying for the Champions League and Ramos winning the League Cup). Of course, Pochettino has yet to complete a season and Spurs may well win a cup or end up in the top four - though even the staunchest of Spurs fans would say that's unlikely - but, if that doesn't happen, his job will no doubt be in danger at the end of the season, such is life in the Spurs hotseat.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.