10 Newcastle United Salaries You Won't Believe

8. Dennis Wise - £1.5m A Year

It's great looking back on Dennis Wise's career at Newcastle and seeing all of the really positive things he did at the club after Mike Ashley poached him from his job at Leeds. The signing of Fabio Zamblera - called his first masterminded action - turned out to be a typically inevitable disappointment, and he was basically part of a system of executive management - alongside Jeff Vetere and Tony Jimenez - that was too complex and too confused to ever work for the club. Unthinkably, according to the Telegraph, Newcastle paid the former Chelsea "hardman" a massive £1.5m a year for the benefit of his football wisdom - five times what he was getting at Leeds when he was head-hunted for a job that didn't suit him even slightly. And because he was attached to a club, he cost Ashley a further £1m in compensation. So that's £2.5m to be told by an angry little man that Geordies don't like Southerners: perhaps it has more to do with individual Southerners who come North and suck £2.5m out of the club with precisely zero legacy?

WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.