10 Newcastle United Salaries You Won't Believe

7. Demba Ba - £50k A Week

Had you told a Newcastle fan in the first couple of weeks of Demba Ba's time at Newcastle that he was on a contract worth £50k a week, you might have had to restrain him as he attempted to go and have a word with the initially misfiring striker, but 18 months or so later, the contract looked like a steal as the player fired important goals in from all positions. Sadly, Ba's contract was quickly not good enough for him, despite being one of the largest at the club at the time, and it was his attempt to negotiate a new contract worth almost twice as much in wages - according to the Mirror - that forced Newcastle's hand to keep the transfer release clause in his contract that ultimately saw him leave for Chelsea. Though he was undoubtedly worth £50k a week, the revelation that he wanted almost £100k a week should be the tonic any Newcastle fan needs when they think the club walked away from his contract demands too easily. Because no amount of goals would have made him worth that.

WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.