10 Players Spurs Should Consider Getting Rid Of

6. Nacer Chadli

Nacer Chadli joined Spurs last summer along with six other players - Erik Lamela, Roberto Soldado, Paulinho, Christian Eriksen, Etienne Capoue and Vlad Chiriches. However, despite the fact that only Eriksen can genuinely say he had a good first season at White Hart Lane, only Chadli should be considered for sale so soon. Lamela could potentially be outstanding and is already looking great this season, Soldado didn't go from being a Spanish international who regularly scored twenty goals a season in La Liga to being a bad player overnight (and he scored in his first appearance this season against AEL Limassol), Paulinho is a Brazilian international who was arguably the closest thing to Eriksen to being a success in his first season, while Capoue and Chiriches didn't really get much of a chance last season and they showed signs of being good players when they did play. Chadli just didn't really offer anything. He scored one wonder goal against Newcastle United to round off a 4-0 win, but he was largely anonymous and, given Spurs' usual formation, he is behind a number of players in the pecking order (Eriksen, Lamela, Lennon, Townsend etc) for first team action and if Spurs sign someone like Memphis Depay in this transfer window he's only going to end up out in the cold completely.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.