10 Players Spurs Should Consider Getting Rid Of

5. Danny Rose

Danny Rose is something of an anomaly on this list as he should definitely only be sold if another left back is brought in - and that seems very unlikely since one has already been signed this summer in the form of Ben Davies. There is also the fact that Rose has just signed a new five year contract with Spurs, which would indicate he has impressed Mauricio Pochettino sufficiently for him to be considered part of his long-term plans - indeed, it was Rose who started at left back for Spurs in their Premier League opening day victory at West Ham United last Saturday. But the fact is Spurs should be looking to have better players in their squad if they are as ambitious as they say they are. Rose has never been and never will be good enough for a team with Champions League aspirations. At 5' 8" he is tiny for a defender and he isn't that great at defending anyway. He's poor in the air, physically weak and lacks the finesse of a top four club player. Indeed, since scoring on his debut against Arsenal in 2010, he's done very little else to remotely impress. That said, he isn't a terrible player to have as backup - as he did well at Sunderland, proving he can perform okay at the wrong end of the Premier League at least - and we reiterate that he should only be sold if another left back is brought in.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.