10 Things Liverpool Want You To Forget About Mario Balotelli

5. Dart Throwing

Balotelli was a constant ticking time bomb during his two and a half years at the Etihad, and one of his lowest ebbs occurred in March 2011. He appeared to be particularly troublesome that year, in fact, and it coincided with his form struggling because of it. The then 20-year-old was accused of carelessly throwing darts at member's of City's youth team from an above window, risking serious injury to the youngsters in the process. Luckily none of the darts made contact with anyone, Needless to say, the club still took the incident very seriously and fined Balotelli £100,000 for his behaviour. You just wonder quite what his punishment would have been had serious injury occurred. When asked why he did it, Balotelli claimed he was 'bored'. It was a continuation of moments like this that eventually saw Mancini lose patience in the player, and he sold him Milan in January 2013.

Football writer, Liverpool fanatic. That's pretty much all you need to know. Love Film and Music too.