9 Terrible Swansea City Signings That Utterly Failed

6. Jose Filipe da Silva Moreira

Swansea's promotion to the Premier League left them with just one senior goalkeeper in their ranks, and local lad David Cornell was not their man for the top flight. This caused Brendan Rodgers to make a string of goalkeeping signings including the hugely successful Michel Vorm, the sturdy back up option Gerhard Tremmel and... Jose Moreira. On paper, Moreira appeared to be the first choice. He signed just one week after Dorus de Vries decided to leave the Liberty for Wolves and had one Portuguese cap plus a string of appearances for Benfica under his belt. In pre-season Moreira appeared to be shaky at best. Gerhard Tremmel was signed not soon after and appeared to be a much safer alternative. Whether it was Rodgers' uncertainty over his existing choices or the fact that a goalkeeper with Michel Vorm's ability for a mere £1.5m was an opportunity too good, the Swans had signed their third keeper in two months. Vorm's arrival and instant impact prevent Moreira from making a single start for Swansea. After two seasons of not even warming the bench, Moreira moved on to Cypriot team Omonia in 2013.

Swansea City fan, Star Wars obsessive and general lover of all things football and gaming related.