Arsenal: 5 Reasons Arsene Wenger MUST Go, NOW

3. Selling Of Star Players

robinvanpersie Since last winning a trophy, Arsene Wenger has sold Robin Van Persie, Alex Song, Samir Nasri, Cesc Fabregas, William Gallas, Emmanuel Adebayor, Kolo Toure, Ashley Cole, Thierry Henry and Robert Pires, all of who were around their prime at the time of selling. I understand that there is only so much a manager can do when a player is adamant on leaving a club, but some of these players are extremely difficult to replace. Apart from Pires and Gallas, each player has gone on to win at least one major competition with their new teams (assuming Barcelona win La Liga this season). It is worth noting that Wenger actually bought each of those players to Arsenal, and they all turned out to be quality players, but some his signings of late have to be questioned€

Danny - 29, love gaming, sport and movies. Please let me know if you have an issue with any of my opinions and I will duly ignore them