Liverpool vs Chelsea: 5 Key Battles

2. Mario Balotelli vs Gary Cahill and John Terry

Assuming Balotelli is recalled for the clash against his former Inter Milan boss Mourinho, having been rested for the Madrid game in midweek, he will have to put in one hell of a shift against easily the best centre-back duo in the Premier League. Cahill and Terry have been absolutely outstanding alongside one another this season, oozing dominance, consistency and leadership. Both are very strong and physical, and if Balotelli isn't on his game and the ball doesn't stick, Liverpool have no chance. The controversial Italian has taken plenty of criticism during his time on Merseyside, some fair and some extremely unfair, but he really needs to deliver, and Saturday would be the perfect time. Regardless of his current form, the 24-year-old can still be a very dangerous striker on his day. He is strong and skilful, and he has one thing that Cahill and Terry don't have a massive amount of: pace. Admittedly, Balotelli does not have electric speed, but he's quick enough. He needs to get the English duo running towards their own goal rather than with their backs to it. If he shows a lack of movement they will keep him very subdued. You never quite know what you're going to get from Balotelli, in total contrast to Cahill and Terry, but for Liverpool's sake they need him to produce the goods.

Football writer, Liverpool fanatic. That's pretty much all you need to know. Love Film and Music too.