Man City vs Arsenal: 5 Reasons Why Gunners Will Clinch At Least A Point

3. Mancini Madness

Roberto Mancini must have had a brain fart before traveling to the Bernabeu. There was no sense in leaving Joleon Lescott on the bench for the not so fantastic Nastasic. Worse yet, where was Mario Balotelli, the big man for the big occasion? Mancini is known for being a defensively minded coach, but to try and park the bus against Mourinho's Real Madrid is like going into battle with a piece of cardboard for a shield. The game thankfully flared up after a timely substitution, but Mancini's choice of starting 11 was suspect at best. Given City's shaky start to the season, Mancini's performance as manager is increasingly coming under fire because of the weight of expectations. Mancini must be better prepared for the Gunners come Sunday, because Arsenal will have a crack at the Etihad with all cylinders blazing. "Disciplinary" problems aside, if City are to win tomorrow, Balotelli must be one of the first names on the list.

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