Newcastle Transfers: 8 Reasons Rolando Aarons MUST Stay

6. The Grass Isn't Always Greener

Leaving Newcastle to "progress your career" might seem like an inevitable step: in the past we've watched Gazza, Waddle, Beardsley, Carroll and every other young star move on, while internationals are now using the club as a stepping stone to the top four or European competition. But gone are the days when a "step up" means immediate success: recently Yohan Cabaye, Jose Enrique, Carroll, Demba Ba and Loic Remy have all expressed themselves and their ambitions bigger than Newcastle, and all are currently bench-warming. Yes, they sleep better with bigger wage packets, but is that what Rolando Aarons really wants? You'd have to suspect not. Playing in the North East might be considered something of a second (or even third) tier situation, but Aarons would do well to heed the warning offered by other players who've tried to go bigger and not really recaptured their best form away from Tyneside.

WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.